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教程:关键字标签在Apple 最后 Cut Pro X

在我们新教程系列的第一部分中, 格伦·埃利奥特揭秘最后 Cut Pro X, 说明其核心功能, 并专注于最强大的组织新功能之一, 加速, 精简你的编辑:元数据关键字标签.

Apple made some pretty bold decisions writing 最后 Cut Pro from the ground up in 最后 Cut Pro X, 导致对编辑工作流程的一些范式转换. 但这些变化是积极的, especially when you take the time to get comfortable with the new interface and workflow.

在我们新教程系列的第一部分中, I'm going to try to demystify the program a bit and illustrate how the core of the new program functions. 另外, 我们将介绍最强大的新功能之一, 元数据关键字标注, 这已经成为编辑工作流程的重要组成部分 Cord3Films 因为我们切换到FCP X. 让我们开始吧.


图1(下面) 显示新界面. 在左上角可以看到事件库和事件的内容. 右边是观看者. 最下面是项目库.

Apple 最后 Cut Pro X
图1. 新的最后 Cut Pro X界面

最后 Cut Pro X因其视觉效果与iMovie相似而受到广泛批评. I'll admit it's very iMovie-ish at first glance, but I promise you it's a much more powerful program. 事实上,可以说,它的很多功能都隐藏在引擎盖下面. 屏幕上的按钮比最后 Cut Pro 7少得多, 但是所有的功能都在那里. 你肯定会想要学习键盘快捷键.


在编辑工作流程中有一些范式的转变, 程序整体运行方式的一些重大变化, and the best way to understand its functionality is to illustrate how it compares and contrasts to other applications you use. There are two types of programs out there: file-based programs and non-file based programs. 以Adobe Photoshop和Lightroom为例. Adobe Photoshop是一个基于文件的程序. You open up Photoshop and you open your document or your file and you edit it and you save it. 这与最后 Cut Pro 7非常相似, 你在哪里打开最后 Cut Pro 7, 然后打开项目文件, 你导入的所有视频信息都在哪里. 它包含了你的时间线或序列的所有信息.

另一方面,Adobe Lightroom是一个非基于文件的程序. 当你打开Adobe Lightroom, 你可以访问你所有的照片库——非常类似的方式, 说, iTunes works (下面的图2).

Photoshop Lightroom 最后 Cut Pro
图2. 基于文件的程序和非基于文件的程序

最后 Cut Pro X的工作方式相同. Every time you open it up, you have access to all of your events and all of your projects. 不再有统一一切的单一项目文件.

但它并不像听起来那么复杂或压倒性. There are only two elements to worry about: your event and your project, as shown in 图1. 这些功能可以在Finder中展示. 如果你打开Finder,你会看到最后 Cut Pro X使用的两个文件夹. 基本上,这是使最后 Cut Pro X运行的两个文件夹. 它有你的最后 Cut Pro Events文件夹和最后 Cut Pro Projects文件夹.

在最后 Cut Pro Events文件夹中显示 图3(下面), 我已经把“披露三角”转了下来,给Kia Promo看, the local car dealership commercial that we're using as the example project in this tutorial. It corresponds with the event that I have in 最后 Cut Pro X, "Kia Promo," as shown in 图1. 很简单.

Apple 最后 Cut Pro X
图3. Finder中的最后 Cut Pro Events和Projects文件夹

在最后 Cut Pro Projects中,我只有一个名为“样本项目”的项目.“你也会在Finder中看到.

这种组织结构非常适合协作. 假设你的工作室中有多个编辑器. 如果你想把硬盘传给别人分享的话, all you would need is to have the media available on that hard drive and your event and related projects. 你的其他编辑器可以直接插入硬盘, 打开最后 Cut Pro, 把一切都准备好. 没有链接或类似的东西.

Here's a look at two workflows for applying film grain to your footage in FCP X using cineLook (with and without Gorilla Grain), 首先是用Blackmagic生产相机拍摄的4k镜头, 然后用cinestyle数码单反拍平镜头.
在我们关于最近发布的FCP 10的第一个教程中.1, 我们来看看新的库特性, which enhances project and media organization and eases the adjustment for editors transitioning from FCP 7.
This tutorial on Apple 最后 Cut Pro X takes a closer look at color correction in the Inspector, 探索平衡色彩, 颜色匹配, 和颜色蒙版和形状蒙版功能.
本教程在Apple 最后 Cut Pro X检查视频检查器, a context-sensitive area of the FCP X interface that allows you to change settings of various filters and settings, 并专注于进行基本但有效的色彩调整.
In this video tutorial 格伦·艾略特 of Cord3Films looks at FCP X's Timeline Index which provides innovative options for viewing, 导航, 搜索你的项目, including three different types of timeline markers and the ability to create a navigable To Do list of editing notes that's indispensable for collaborative workflows.
在本教程中, Cord3Films' 格伦·艾略特 demonstrates how to mix audio from multiple off-camera sources in a multicam edit in Apple 最后 Cut Pro X.
在我们在最后 Cut Pro X多镜头编辑系列的第2部分, 格伦·艾略特 explains how you can accelerate and streamline the multicam-syncing process in Red Giant's PluralEyes 3.
Our 最后 Cut Pro X tutorial series continues with the first installment of a 3-part series on multicam editing in FCP X, addressing the basics like creating a multicam clip and cutting and switching audio and video using the Angle Editor.
Working with compound clips in FCP X is similar to nesting sequences in 最后 Cut Pro 7. 一旦你明白它是如何工作的, 以及复合剪辑的更改如何影响整个项目, 这是一个强大的功能,您会发现自己使用得越来越多.
在本教程中, we'll look at several ways you can use connected storylines to enhance your FCP X edits and mix in cutaways and creative shots in a quick and 非常高效。 way.
This tutorial explores advanced editing techniques in FCP X including back-timing your edits, 替换编辑和试镜, 全体编辑, 扩展编辑, trim-to-selection编辑, 键盘修剪, 和精密编辑器.
The mag网。ic timeline is one of the major revolutionary changes in Apple 最后 Cut Pro X, 这是编辑们从基于轨道的NLEs来的时候所遇到的困难之一. 在本教程中,我们将分解它并向您展示如何使其为您工作.
无论速度有多快, 非常高效。, 并确定了48小时电影计划的制作团队, 他们需要通过精简的编辑来完成. 最后.revised editor 斯科特Strimple describes how Apple 最后 Cut Pro X allowed him to deliver the goods on deadline, 通过利用关键功能,可以使任何编辑烹饪.
The 48 Hour Film Project offers filmmakers a chance at fame and glory and unleashed creativity, 以及在两天内制作一部电影从前期到后期的疯狂. 斯科特Strimple, 连续两年担任48HFP获奖作品的编辑, 讲述了制作今年电影的过程. In Part 2 he'll discuss the instrumental role Apple 最后 Cut Pro X played in editing and delivering the film with a cool 9 minutes to spare.
Background noise and pops and clicks in audio are an unfortunate fact of life for many productions. 在本教程中,我们将探索一些修复,你可以尝试在最后 Cut Pro X.
在最后 Cut Pro 10中最方便的新功能之一.0.6是快速轻松地导出到单一目的地的能力, 或者是一堆目的地, 包含多个输出. 在本教程中, you learn how to create a single destination and a bundle of destinations.
直方图和波形在Apple 最后 Cut Pro X是有效的, easy-to-master tools that provide the clear input you need to diagnose and fix the contrast issues in your video simply and intelligently. In this video tutorial, video editing and encoding expert Jan Ozer explains how they work.